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Review: 3D Printed S-guy Spandex Lycra Zentai Suit

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Can I add soles to this costume and provide measurements? If so where?
yes, please choose that option under the custom option section
Ben  May 25 2015


Are you able to make the hood removable? And do we have to send you this specific printing file or can we send any printing file for you to print and sew?
Yes we can make it removable. You just need to send us the regular file, we will alter it for you
Blake  December 14 2014


listen, i really want a 180cm morphsuit. can i please have it here on the 24th December 2014?
Sorry we can not rush it. It is not ready-to-wear, we need to tailor it after payment is received.
ananda  August 28 2014


hi i want to buy this plz
Please contact: support@zentai-zentai.com
Gerard  August 11 2014


Can i enquire whether you can do a custom sized suit for spiderman with printing as per your personalised gallery. I do not have a printing file - can you use an existing one? Thanks
We can alter the file to fit your size. Please contact : support@zentai-zentai.com for more info.
Gerard  August 11 2014


Can i enquire whether you can do a custom sized suit for spiderman with printing as per your personalised gallery. I do not have a printing file - can you use an existing one? Thanks
Rick  May 21 2014


If I have the print file for this, can you do customizations such as detachable mask, EVA eyes, the U-zipper, and invisible zippers? I hear you guys do amazing work and would like to order from you in the future!
Yes, we can print and sew for you. Please order here :http://www.zentai-zentai.com/printing-and-sewing-cost-for-printing-order-with-supplied-design-products-2077.html and send me the file via google drive to : service@zentai-zentai.com
steven  May 13 2014


where can i fine this print on your site ?
Please contact us at: service@zentai-zentai.com. We will quote for you.
I.M.  April 18 2014


Hi is this design still available? I cant find it on your site
Javier  April 04 2014


My spiderman costume ^^ when my costume is finished I'll upload more photos, thank you very much for everything :) [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/33blu2a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/15x8rpu.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/34qqom1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/9ve22v.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/10fattt.jpg[/IMG]